Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) Policy

At UEMS Solutions, we are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in all our business operations. Our Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) is designed to prevent, detect, and address any form of bribery, ensuring transparency and integrity. This policy reflects our dedication to fostering a culture of compliance, accountability, and zero tolerance towards bribery. Here, you’ll find detailed insights into how we implement and uphold these standards to protect our reputation, our clients, and our partners.  

Our Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) Policy

We are committed to conducting its operations fairly, honestly and openly, in line with applicable legislation, and to prevent the highest standards of honesty and transparency in our operations both locally and internationally. We advocate for ways to prevent, detect and respond to bribery in the Company’s domestic and international operations.

The organisation has zero tolerance for corruption. This includes active bribery (the offering, promising or giving of a bribe) and passive bribery (the requesting, consenting to receive or accepting of a bribe) including kick-backs, any form of gift, hospitality, donations and similar benefits. In addition, the organisation believes that combating bribery serves the greater good of society.

The organisation is concerned with protecting its operations, reputation and relevant stakeholders, such as investors, shareholders, management and employees from the adverse effects of bribery and other forms of corruption. It is, therefore, committed to preventing bribery by its employees and any third parties acting on its behalf. We encourage whistleblowing and will protect the interests of all whistleblowers and protect them from exposure, ensuring that no employee is vulnerable to retaliation, discrimination, or disciplinary action.

The organisation will take reasonable measures to prevent bribery in its operations. If corruption is proven, the organisation will take decisive action, including dismissal and legal action. Bribery committed by organisation staff members or anyone acting on their behalf shall be handled as a disciplinary severe infringement.

The organisation’s Anti-Bribery Compliance Function is responsible for overseeing the planning and effective implemntation of the ABMS. The function reports the ABMS performance to Top Management.

The Anti-Bribery Policy shall be communicated via email, awareness training, events and meetings to all employees and persons working on behalf of the Company. All employees and persons working on behalf of the Company must be briefed and familiarised with the Policy’s requirements. The Company will ensure effectiveness through genuine intent, implement control measures, conduct a regular review of the Bribery Risk Assessment, conduct Due Diligence on personnel, eliminate conflicts of interest with relevant interested parties, conduct an Internal Audit and Management Review, and promote continual enhancement of the ABMS as a whole.